"Our mission is to develop, foster, and strengthen the relationships between our members, the empowerment of youth in our congregation, and the commitment of our youth to our communities. We strive for an active and committed youth who love one another, care about each other’s spiritual growth, and want to sustain the church in faith and fellowship.
Youth from 7th grade through the college years will find a nurturing faith family in Concordia's Youth Group. ALL ARE WELCOME! We would love for you to come visit us.
Our discussion group meets every Sunday during the school year during Sunday school time, where we discuss topical issues and their relationship to our faith. Sometimes these "lessons" take unexpected directions, but we always stay God centered and the surprises have sparked some of our favorite discussions
Throughout the year we enjoy many events such as lock-ins, movie nights, bowling, youth centered Sunday worship, praise and music nights, corn mazes, congregational dinners, synod sponsored junior and senior high events, as well as serving our community with projects like Box City for Habitat for Humanity and Concordia's Closet clothing bank and breakfast.
For more information about Concordia's Youth Group, please contact Hope Long - [email protected] or Melanie Dietrich - [email protected]